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Asset finance

Free, no-obligation consultation

No upfront fees

Access funds within 24 hours

25 years' finance experience

Access to 100+ lenders

What is asset finance?

How does asset / equipment financing work?

  • Also known as equipment finance, asset finance means taking out a loan to buy or lease physical assets required for running or expanding your business.

  • These assets are often high cost, and many businesses do not have the cash in hand to buy them outright

  • From replacing old office equipment to leasing a new fleet of vans, agricultural or other machinery, asset finance can help provide businesses of all sizes with immediate access to the assets they need to drive their business forward.

  • Businesses can also use asset finance to release cash that’s tied up in the value of their physical assets. This includes property, as well as equipment, machinery and other assets

  • Also called asset-backed finance or asset refinancing, this enables businesses to raise capital by using existing assets as security for a loan.

  • Finding the right lender is important, since some lenders tend to specialise in certain sectors such as construction, engineering, agriculture or vehicles.

  • Clear Idea Finance can advise you on finding the best lender for your business, to ensure you keep your rates as low as possible and get the best deal

Richard discussing asset finance with a new customer

Product overview

Funding available within 48 hours

Obtain up to 90% of the asset value

Raise finance against existing assets, including property

Rates from 2.95% per year

Up to 5-year term

Sector-specific lenders

Circuit Board

Client case studies

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Featured case study: Electrical parts wholesaler

An established electrical parts wholesaler reached out to us as they had just won a new contract to supply parts to an electric car manufacturer for their charging ports. The business had just gone through a growth phase, had hired more staff, spent money on equipment and new premises so margins were tight for that financial year which was reflected on their year-end account. Because of their dip in profit that year, traditional banks and alternative lenders wouldn’t consider them for a loan. 


They had a signed contract with the car manufacturer confirming the orders and value. We approached the invoice finance companies on our panel who swiftly put a great offer in place, advancing almost 90% of the invoice value, taking the invoice as security and collecting the payment from the car manufacturer once it was due, making repayment easy.  


The client can now dip back into this facility whenever they want, only paying interest on what they use and feeling comfortable they have funds available if and when needed.

How can we help your business?

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Where to find us

Clear Idea Finance

Saracens House

25 St Margaret’s Green

Ipswich, Suffolk


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Copyright © 2021 Clear Idea Finance Limited. Made of Cheddar.

"Clear Idea Finance" and "Clear Idea" are trading names of Clear Idea Finance Limited, registered in England and Wales, company number 12802771. Registered office address: Saracens House, 25 St Margaret’s Green, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 2BN. Clear Idea Finance Limited operates in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, ICO registration number ZA798967. A commercial mortgage loan is secured against property, which may be repossessed if you do not keep up your loan repayments. Clear Idea Finance Limited acts as a commercial finance advisor and credit broker and not a lender.

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